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Shimano Winter Icebreaker Comp

June 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM - July 31, 2022 @ 5:00 PM

Shimano Winter Icebreaker Comp

Wednesday 1st June  to Sunday 31st July

Proudly sponsored by Shimano New Zealand


Type: Measure comp- photos must include an item of winter clothing i.e beanie, slippers, jacket etc. photos must be on MBFC measure mats or may be declined entry or have length deducted.

Entries: Photos must be uploaded to MBFC Facebook / WhatsApp page only to be eligible.

Boundaries: MBFC Club Boundaries

Qualified Species: Snapper, Kingfish, Kahawai, John Dory, Gurnard, Trevally, Squid

When: Fishing starts Wednesday 1st June  5am closes Sunday 31st July at 5pm

Prizing Giving:  Club Night Thursday 4th August from 5.30pm onwards at the club house.

Please note you must now be at prize giving or arrange for another member accept the prize on your behalf. If it is not claimed at the end of the prizegiving it will be “lucky dipped” to another member


  • Fish caught on Commercial charters or longline from a boat are not eligible.
  • Anglers are eligible for 1 prize per species per competition.
  • All Competitors must be current financial MBFC members.
  • New Zealand fishing rules and regulations apply.
  • Species Prizes to be confirmed
  • Entries must include full name and age

Prize Categories:


  • Snapper 1st, 2nd, 3rd
  • Kingfish 1st
  • Kahawai 1st
  • John Dory 1st
  • Gurnard 1st
  • Trevally 1st
  • Squid 1st (additional $100 cash prize if winning squid is caught off Murrays Bay Wharf)



  • Snapper 1st , 2nd, 3rd
  • Kahawai 1st

Junior 16 & under

  • Snapper 1st
  • Kahawai 1st

Kids 10 & under

  • Snapper 1st
  • Kahawai 1st

Whippa Snappers  – 5 and under

  • Snapper 1st
  • Kahawai 1st



Note – any great fish can be weighed in on the club scales. Call weighmaster Matt Gillespie 021 869 232



A clear photograph of the fish, correctly placed on an official measure, is critical for your entry into the competition. It is your responsibility to ensure you provide an image that we can use to validate your entry.

Photo Checklist:

  • Make sure the photo is of the sufficient quality and suitable to enable the species and length to be verified.
  • The photo submitted must be in landscape format. Take the photo from directly above the fish looking down rather than from the front or side.
  • Take several photos just in case. Shadows can cause problems if the fish is placed on part sun/part shadow.
  • The tip of either the upper or lower jaw must touch the edge of the MBFC measure. It is permissible to place a hand or have someone hold the fish on the measure or use a damp cloth on the fish to settle it while a photo is taken, provided this does not obscure the fish significantly or prevent the admin team from being able to validate your catch.
  • The V of the tail should be a close to the midline of the measure as possible. All fish must be placed side-on onto the measure.
  • The measure should be placed on a flat surface.
  • The jaw of the fish must not be distorted in an attempt to exaggerate the length.
  • Fish must be measured fresh and must not be significantly cut in a manner that alters the length. We strongly recommend you DO NOT gut or gill your catch before taking the photo as generally, it will render the fish ineligible for the competition.

Please note that your fish may not be eligible if the above conditions are not met, however organisers totally reserve the right to accept an entry on the basis that an appropriate reduction in length is made for any non-compliance and/or the MBFC Committee reserve the right to disqualify any catch at their sole and absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever including but not limited to suspected measure tampering and false date submissions.

Post your photo and general location on the club facebook page to submit. Please include anglers full name and age. Once your catch has been approved by the fishing committee your catch will appear on the tournament leader board at   www.mairangibayfishingclub.co.nz



The innermost point of the tail V must touch or exceed the line on the measure to qualify for that 0.5cm increment. For example if your fish if just over 50cm but does not reach the 50.5cm mark then the length recorded will be 50.0cm.

Please ensure your fish is placed so the tail is evenly spread and the middle of the tail is along the midline of the measure. If the tail appears to be squeezed together, a deduction in length will be made.



June 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM
July 31, 2022 @ 5:00 PM

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